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Helen Reynolds

November Wrap-Up

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” - Oscar Wilde

In Reading...

A few quick reads this month as well as some epic fantasy, because of course. In these pages I read about a murdering babysitter, scourged through emails and texts to discover a murderer, watched as two kids inevitably died after receiving the Death Call, discovered the truth behind two tyrannical rules, began burgeoning romances and tried to understand the duality of man.

The books of November, with links to my thoughts on them:

Lady Susan et al. by Jane Austen

Lullaby by Leïla Slimani

They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

The Appeal by Janice Hallett

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

Favourite read was The Final Empire. This is a tough pick because I breezed through and loved Lullaby, They Both Die at the End and The Appeal. Those were excellent, excellent reads. But epic fantasy is my jam. This was my first Brandon Sanderson and he had me utterly hooked by the end.

In Writing...

Finally made some progress. I'm almost at the halfway point in terms of the finalised first draft. Very happy with the changes I've made in deleting some characters and adding in some needed information. The next chunk is going to require a lot of work though, and the ending still intimidates the shit out of me.

In Life...

Second wedding anniversary was this month and, like the first one, we stayed home to celebrate it. Super lovely and super chill. Oscar is full on walking now - drunkenly, but he moves fast for a drunkard. Started to go to library rhyme sessions and soft play with him and discovered that he is me to a tee in how he approaches potential new friends: he stares them down like a creep and avoids large groups.


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