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Helen Reynolds

May Wrap-Up

"Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible." - Edwin Land

In Reading...

I didn't read a whole lot this month. I mean, the fantasy novel was close to 800 pages so it was a big 'un but the other two were blindingly fast reads. I did also read my own novel and beta reader for a few others.

The books of May, with links to my thoughts on them:

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

The Greenshore Folly by Agatha Christie

I don't have a favourite read this month. I rated The Hero of Ages the highest but I really didn't enjoy it on the same level as the previous two books in that trilogy. It was good, but not as gripping. And the other two books I read this month were entertaining but not mind-blowing.

In Writing...

Reading through my novel again, making changes and getting feedback. The beta reading stage is tough because I've been getting some good, positive feedback but also brutally honest negative feedback where it's like, well shit, that's gonna be hard to change. It is mostly coming along well. Freaking hard to write a one page synopsis of a 100K novel though. And the ending is still a 'squint and maybe it's okay' sort of vibe.

In Life...

This month has been long. Not necessarily stressful but I am just so drained. I think finishing the first draft and starting to get feedback has been draining. Or maybe it's the cat waking me up at 6am every morning. Worse than the baby. Why do we have pets?


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