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Helen Reynolds

Blue Sisters Review

Her life had been reduced to two days, the day Nicky was still alive and the day she died.

Blue Sisters

by Coco Mellors

Genre: Contemporary

About: The Blue sisters are like the four seasons, or the four cores of the Earth. Avery, Bonnie, Nicky and Lucky. The four of them against the world. But Nicky died one year ago and each of their worlds has crashed to a halt ever since. Avery is ruining her marriage. Bonnie is ruining her career. And Lucky is chasing after highs to numb everything else. They don't know how to live without her, or why, of all the four of them, it had to be Nicky to die.


Coco Mellors writing is just a dream to read. I loved being in the heads of all three of the sisters and even felt like Nicky was there in each of the POVs, her presence never leaves the page. You're really given each of their lives and hearts so vividly but I especially loved how - no matter how different their problems or the distance between the sisters, there was this undeniable thread linking them together at all times. Sometimes switching POVs can be jarring but Mellors managed to make the four sisters part of each others lives even when they're not together and the attention is on something completely unrelated to the family. You felt them in each others lives, and their lives felt so real.

Conversations and moments between not only the sisters but all the other people in their lives have these quiet observations to them that make them like real experiences instead of words on the page. Although they are beautiful words on the page. I love the way Mellors phrasing things.

And the hope. So much of the book is brutal. Addictions, violence, unhappy marriages, unhappy families, a complicated list of things that will f with you. But dark as the novel goes, characters you love get to learn and heal and hope for more. I didn't feel destroyed reaching the end, there was a perfect balance between realism and optimism.

I also loved how full circle some of the moments were. Bonnie was my favourite sister and all her boxing lessons were just great life moments a lot of the time.

A novel that will stick with me. Characters to love and journeys, dark as they get, but which I look forward to experiencing again as the writing was just Too Damn Good. 


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