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Helen Reynolds

Legendary Review

Her adventures were only beginning. They would be bigger than promises, and brighter than constellations. By the end of them, Tella would be the legendary one.


by Stephanie Garber

Genre: YA Fantasy

About: Dontella was the princess stuck in the tower during the last Caraval game. This time she's playing to win. And while she knows the game blends fantasy and reality like two sides of the same coin, constantly flipping back and forth, she can't help but suspect this game is different. This game is real. The fate of the kingdom really is in the balance, and this time if she loses, she'll lose more than her life.

The Good

I really loved being in Donatella's POV. She was so unlikeable in the last book, even that she was hardly in it! But seeing things through her eyes really changes how I view her as a character. Her personality is still the same (thoughtless, reckless and super arrogant) but we also see her vulnerability and the reasons behind her actions. Her determined nature propels the story forward. Instead of the worry, panic and mistrust that clouded Scarlett's POV, Tella wants the challenge, she thrives on it. The plot moves fast and Tella keeps in step.

The Bad

I completely fell in love with Dante in this one and really enjoyed every scene he had with Tella, but he does appear A LOT in the story. If Tella isn't thinking about him, she's bumping into him. Which sounds like I'm complaining about something I enjoyed, but I do think that story-wise there needed to be more of Jacks as well as Scarlett to balance things out.

The Somewhat Iffy

The myth surrounding The Prince of Hearts is a big part of this series' lore. That his true love won't be affected by his deadly kiss and that she alone can make his heart beat again. Very important stuff. And yet the scene in which Tella overcomes Jacks curse and his heart does beat again was probably the most underwhelming scene in the book. Jacks barely bats an eye and there doesn't seem to be any explanation as to why this moment happens. He hasn't spent a lot of time with her and this interaction is pretty similar to other interactions they've had. It raised too many questions for me to believe the moment.


This was a really fun read. Every chapter sparkled with magic and I loved chasing Tella through this game - she barely caught her breath and proved herself to be just as brilliant as she boasted.


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