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Helen Reynolds

Caraval Review

The more Legend played the role of a villain, the more he'd become one.


by Stephanie Garber

Genre: YA Fantasy

About: Scarlett has been writing to Legend, the master of a magical game, for years hoping to one day see the wonders for herself. Finally, on the announcement of her engagement, she and her sister are invited to the spectacle. But they won't just be watching the entertainment: they'll be playing Legend's game. The prize is a wish, but the price demands they not believe their senses and trust no-one...

The Good

The world is really magical, full of whimsy and wonder. Tattoos can tell your fate, drinks can drain the world of colour, and currency is paid with secrets and lies. I love the dark edge to the magic and how the reader is trained early on to not trust any of the characters - and even with my suspicion on high alert I wasn't able to unravel all the lies and guess all the twists. Reading this with a group of others was so much fun as we all had our theories and trying to work out how someone might have tricked us with mirror magic, illusions, or the twist of words in a prophecy just goes to show how immersive and fun the world is that Stephanie Garber has created.

The Bad

I really loved Scarlett's character in the opening section. She's fiercely protective of her sister, believes in magic and values kindness. A great main character. But as soon as she enters Legend's game she has tunnel vision and we get nothing more from her. Her love for her sister doesn't pay off as Donatella is absent for most of the book, and when she does appear she is very undeserving of Scarlett's devotion. Scarlett's interest in magic quickly turns sour and she doesn't look to enjoy any of the wonder on offer. And we don't see much kindness from her or others during the game: she is wholly focused on finding her sister. Her internal monologue was a bit exhausting as she repeats over and over again the same points: to find her sister, go back home in time for the wedding, not to trust Julian... I just wish we'd been given more wonder and fun. Maybe if Scarlett and Donatella had been given a day of magic in Caraval before they're separated. Or maybe if Scarlett hadn't believed the game was dangerous from the moment she stepped into it. The world is fun, but Scarlett doesn't let the reader enjoy it as much as I think we could have.

The Somewhat Iffy

The mystery of Legend. I love a red herring so I don't mind suspecting the wrong person from time to time. In fact, I love it. But the payoff wasn't there in the case of Legend. We don't really meet him and the 'Legend' the climax pivots to is a brand new character thrown on us last minute. Also Donatella's role in the game is awful. The sisters grow up with a violent and emotionally manipulative father, and then Donatella's way out of his power is to use Scarlett in such a horrible way - literally gaslighting her at the end and then letting her greatest fear play out as she's forced to watch her die. And this after knowing that Scarlett has just watched Julian die as well. It's gross and kind of abusive.


I love this world so much. It has a very unique charm and I enjoyed this introduction to the series but I think the characters and the story are just not as strong as the Once Upon a Broken Heart series.


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