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Helen Reynolds

January Wrap-Up

She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live - Anne Dillard

In Reading...

Somehow I read six books this month. Which is a third of the amount I read for the whole of 2020. In one month. Probably has something to do with January motivation being a thing for me, and also with the fact that instead of sleeping when the baby sleeps, I read.

The books of January, with links to my thoughts on them:

The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

The Alienist by Caleb Carr

Wolfsong by TJ Klune

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

How to Stop Time by Matt Haig

Crooked Hearts by Lissa Evans

Favourite read was Strange the Dreamer, because fantasy, epic, romance.

In Writing...

Finished writing a short story (technically re-writing as this is the third version of the initial story idea thought up back in 2017). Also entered it in a competition. Fingers crossed! Really enjoyed writing this one. I took inspiration from the narration in Wolfsong and redrafted it with two major changes: the first, aging up a character, and the second in giving said character the first person POV. Not massively convinced it's a commercial story, but I like it and if you don't write for yourself, why bother?

In Life...

Noticing that weekends are no different from weekdays and that Oscar truly does not respect Sunday as a day of rest.

Our cat is on a special diet for bladder issues; vet recommends just a small amount of biscuits daily to prevent her getting fat, but Ash's response to an empty bowl is to hunt and kill mice so... fat cat it is then.

The only cleaning I've been doing lately is when vomit (from baby or cat) is literally on the floor, or on me.


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