I read around 75 books this year and although I got hit by a reading slump for the last quarter, I did manage to fall in love with plenty of new stories. Here are a collection of ten quotes (in no particular order) from my ten favourite reads of the year - see if you can guess them. To read the list click here.
I am a cabin-boy again, and Dona St Columb is asleep and dreaming.
Perhaps she was stronger than he was. Perhaps it was impossible for him to overcome this woman who seemed to carry the force of an army inside her.
Victor Vale was not a fucking sidekick.
Her life had been reduced to two days, the day Nicky was still alive and the day she died.
You don't need a Blessing to be a miracle.
When we set out on our expedition, I was expecting either a scientific triumph or utter catastrophe. Well, I should have expected both.
Ellwood smiled, and a sudden, dry bleakness spread over Gaunt's heart as he thought of Hercules and Hector, and all the heroes in myth who found happiness briefly, only for it not to be the end of the story.
This is a bad place, Vis. Dangerous. You can still back out, but this is your last chance to do it. Is this opportunity worth it? Is it worth your life?
They can't make us go away just because they are done with us.
Run at the thing that frightens you.