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Helen Reynolds

Foster Review

She says what she has to say and no more. May there be many like her.


by Claire Keegan

Genre: Literary Fiction

A little girl from a large, poor family in Ireland is sent away to foster parents in order to ease some of their financial troubles. She doesn't know how long she'll be away. She doesn't know the couple taking her in, or the farm, or anything at all about her new life. Only that she must accept it.

My thoughts

I don't have much to say about this book because it is such a short story. It doesn't feel like a lot of time passes but enough does pass for it to have a huge impact on our main character and her foster parents. The relationship between them is so sweet to watch develop and I really loved Keegan's voice throughout. She picks small moments and stretches them so that you can feel the changes happening to this little girl's world bit by bit.

What I felt was missing though was some stronger connections to her old life. The family she was born into felt like faded memories from the very beginning and I wished they'd been in sharper focus so that I could appreciate the contrast at the end.


This is sad and sweet and pulled me in with such ease. Highly recommend the audiobook of this.


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