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Helen Reynolds

Witness for the Prosecution Review

Not a word of this is true.

Witness for the Prosecution

by Agatha Christie

Genre: Murder Mystery

About: Leonard Vole stands accused of murder, and the facts are all against him. He has motive, he has opportunity, and his only alibi is from his wife - who later sits in as a witness for the prosecution. Things are looking black for him, but he swears he isn't guilty...


This is a really great play. The case is compelling, but there's also a bit of light-heartedness that really drew me to the characters. Sir Wilfrid and Mayhew have a great dynamic and the relationships in general, from the very first, feel like they have a layered history. Myers is the kind of buffoon you want to destroy in court and it's satisfying to see even the Judge put him down on occasions.

As always, Christie gives a lot of options and you really strain listening to each witness's statements, trying to spot the clue that will reveal to you the truth. I didn't guess it, and the ending is both satisfying and startling.

An enjoyable mix of cosy and dramatic. 


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