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Helen Reynolds

The Thursday Murder Club Review

I know that life goes on, and that there are pills to take, and books to read, and quizzes to watch, but really, this murder does tend to overshadow everything.

The Thursday Murder Club

by Richard Osman

Genre: Cosy Mystery

About: In a quiet retirement village, a few of the residents have set up a Thursday Murder Club where they look into cold cases to see if they can't solve them over a bottle of wine. Well, it's something to do on a Thursday, isn't it? But things get a little more exciting when a real life murder happens in their neighbourhood - and soon the bodies start piling up...


This was a truly fun read. It's extremely British and extremely cosy. Richard Osman does a fantastic job at making these characters ones you can't help but want to sit down and have a cuppa with. They are utterly endearing but I don't think it comes across as overly sweet. There are real emotions in these pages; real tragedies and heartache, but told with a warmth and humour that makes you love the characters even more as you cry for them.

There is also a decent murder plot. Or plots, really. I felt a bit like Joyce for the murder side of things - bemused but enjoying myself as we trundled along.

I will say the solution to the murders, while satisfying, felt a bit overdone by the end. A few too many twists or misdirection that just weren't all that necessary to me. I didn't need to be shocked, I just wanted to see the old gang solve the crimes before bedtime.

Overall, the characters and the writing style is a knitted blanket with a luxury hot chocolate from Waitrose to sip on. I loved this first in the series, it felt like a homage to Agatha Christie's Miss Marple and would have been something I'm sure the Queen of Crime would have loved to read as well.


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