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Helen Reynolds

The Invisible Library Review

Her life was more than just airship chases, cyborg alligator attacks and hanging out with this alternate universe's nearest analogue to Sherlock Holmes.

The Invisible Library

by Genevieve Cogman

Genre: YA Fantasy

About: Irene is a Librarian but the Library she works for moves in multiple realities. It's purpose: to collect books of interest from any and all alternates. When she's assigned retrieving a book from a chaos-filled world, she learns the true meaning of the word 'chaos'. Murders, cat-burglars, the Fae and vampires... her work is anything but dull.

The Good

This has a very distinct humour that is consistent and makes for a fun, light read. I think the magic system is also very clever and intricate. The opening chapter was a great dive into story and a good enough reflection of the kind of adventures to expect. Irene is a likeable main character and there are some interesting characters that keep the momentum of the story going.

The Bad

The pace is a bit of a whirlwind, and yet I didn't find it a gripping read. Lots of things happen, it's very action packed, I just didn't necessarily care too much what was happening. The tone is a little too breezy for me to really get invested in the story. The dialogue doesn't help with this as it (intentionally) is very over-dramatic, making all the events read very much like a bizarre, fun-filled play. Unfortunately I couldn't suspend my disbelief to take in any of the stakes, because the characters themselves don't seem to.

The Somewhat Iffy

I wasn't very clear on some of the magic. I really loved the magic of the Language, and I found the Fae magic familiar enough. But the dragon magic and the necromancy went by me in a blur. Since both are heavily tied up to the climax, it made everything a little confused for me.


A fun, light read about the love of books and solving mysteries. Some light romance, some light murders, it's a cosy read of the magical variety that doesn't leave much of an impression.


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