If you're watching, Eo, it's time to close your eyes. The Reaper has come. And he's brought hell with him.
Morning Star
by Pierce Brown
Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Mini Review
So if you don't know, this is the third book of the Red Rising trilogy. More books follow but this wraps up the premise of the first book.
This book comes with a heavy weight. Readers have been put through a lot by this point. We've been betrayed by characters we loved and trusted. We've witnessed loss, defeat, had hope drained from us. And while there's more of this to experience, Morning Star has a different tone. It searches for redemption. Peace. It looks beyond the war and we get so much closure on characters that have been family to us. Of course this makes it sound like the characters do nothing but hold hands for 500 pages, which is most definitely not how things go down, but I think Pierce Brown does an excellent job of making you see the maturity of the characters. The changing of the times.
I cried. Took time away from the book to recover after certain scenes and recommended it like mad to friends. The writing is consistently powerful and the allegiance you feel to the characters is not to be underestimated.