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Helen Reynolds

Jade City Review

Did you really think you could piss inside No Peak territory and that we wouldn't smell the stink?

Jade City

by Fonda Lee

Genre: Adult Fantasy

About: Kekon is a small island with a big presence in the world due to a portion of its population being able to master the power of jade, a substance that gives the wearer godlike powers. One of the largest jade-wearing clans is No Peak, run by the Kaul family, but they're under threat and will have to unite if they want to survive not just foreign takeovers, but a rival clan with far-reaching ambitions.

The Good

Where to start? After reading the first few chapters, I knew I was going to like this book. About halfway through, I was fully invested, deep in the world and the characters. Near the end of the book, I pegged this as one of the best books I'll probably read this year. I love Fonda Lee's detailed and immersive writing style and I love her world-building - you get a vivid sense of the place, immersion of the culture, understanding of the unique powers, the politics at work and the history that's led to this specific point in time. It's all done so effortlessly, I never felt confused or bored. Every chapter is compelling.

The Bad

The anxiety you will feel reading is very real. This isn't one of those fantasies where characters have some hardships and then level up their skills to take on the boss at the end. There's blood on the pages and power is a fragile thing. War is a common theme in fantasies, but it's never felt so palpable than it does here, where characters have real enemies with real blades.

The Somewhat Iffy

There were a couple of instances where I wasn't sure if I believed the effect of jade in the given scenario. Without giving spoilers, there was one instance where raw jade slipped by the notice of a Green Bone and I didn't know why. Another where someone experienced a jade 'rush' but felt a little too in control, it seemed more likely that it should have overwhelmed them there and then. But I don't know, I've never worn jade and I'm not a Green Bone so probably it worked exactly as on the tin.


I didn't race through this book, I took my time with it and enjoyed every moment. The novel's strengths are its characters, world-building, plot and overall writing style. So everything, basically. Probably best described as an Asian Godfather with magic. If that sounds like your jam, read it. But even if it doesn't, read it anyway.


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