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Helen Reynolds

Currently reading...

January books I'm reading...

The Alienist

by Caleb Carr

I hardly need remind you how very many dangers inhabit this place.

After bingeing the Netflix series (season 1 and 2), my lovely husband got me the book for Christmas. As of this post, I'm about halfway through it. The writing style is different from what I've been reading lately, very heavy on the details both gruesome and mundane, and has the oldy worldy feel, being set in the 1890s. Not sure if I'll continue the series but the characters are everything I loved and expected after having watched the series.


by TJ Klune

You gotta smell him and then tell me why it's all candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome.

A recommended read from my friend Anne, I've only just started this one but already loving the voice. The main character is a teenage boy named Oxnard 'Ox' who smells of cotton candy and awesome, or so his new friend says. Looking forward to discovering the secrets of the town and for some wolf action to begin!


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