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Helen Reynolds

Ghost Tamer Review

Are you ready to face your ghosts? 

Ghost Tamer

by Meredith R. Lyons

Genre: Paranormal

About: After Raely survives a train crash, she awakens to a new reality. One without her best friend in it and one in which she can see ghosts. Unsure if it's survivors guilt, her simply going crazy, or something darker, Raely seeks out help because not all the ghosts she meets are friendly...


This doesn't seem like it would be a fun read because it deals with death and abuse and a really annoying guy named Dylan, but I had such a great time reading. Raely and her stalker-yet-friendly ghost, Casper, have a really sweet connection that just gets stronger and stronger throughout the novel. Lyons keeps the balance between light and dark and makes you deeply care about her characters.

I especially loved the lore around spirits. Raely has a natural gift but as she learns more and more about her abilities it adds these layers to her grief that will hit home to anyone who has lost someone. Over the course of the story, Raely grieves the loss of three men in her life, and to say she had very different relationships with these characters is a bit of an understatement but they're all given their space. The pace is fast but these feelings aren't rushed. My favourite scene was Raely's speech at the funeral - a perfect example of how humour and heartbreak is at this novel's core.

It is a very original story but it did remind me of some fun media so if you like...

  • Casper (movie)

  • Beyond Two Souls (game)

  • Ghostbusters (movie)

  • Bleach (manga/anime)

  • Ghost Tricks (game)

  • Ghost Facers aka Supernatural (tv show in a tv show)

Then definitely check this one out! 


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